Monday, April 28, 2008

Weather or not You Care

it's raining, it's pouring
the old man is snoring
he bumped his head and went to bed
and didn't wake up in the morning

hmm. how morbid. it's strange how some of those old nursery rhymes have gotten started. Just think about "Ring Around the Rosie" Children are so cruel, playing the Black Plague off like it was some sort of game. (haha, just kidding)

It's been raining all day. cold. dreary. wet. Typical Providence. Last week was so nice, I heard people saying that they felt like it was going to stay that nice and warm for the rest of the semester. Wishful thinking. If there is one thing you ought to know about Providence weather it's to expect nothing and plan for everything. Growing up I had always heard the typical elementary school rhymes such as "April showers bring May flowers" but I had never understood it because back home it hardly ever rains in April and come May, all the flowers have pretty much bloomed and are dying away due to the extreme heat and drout. Now I see that all those typical rhymes that stereotype the seasons come from New England and therefore should not be used to describe South Texas weather. Perhaps a better rhyme for us would be something like: "Rain and gloom cause ebony trees to bloom" or perhaps better yet: "The much needed rain makes mosquitos go insane, which will cause you great pain, with very little gain" hahaha.

I need a better raincoat. The one I have, while I enjoy wearing it because I like the way it looks, is not actually water proof. Crazy right? Who in their right mind would make a raincoat that's not completely water proof? They call it "water-resistant" which pretty much just means that anything more than a light drizzle or a couple of minutes walking outside and the water will start to soak through the fabric and make me feel cold and damp. I saw a really nice one the the Eddie Baure outlet store during Christmas vacation, but even on sale it was too expensive for my budget, plus they didn't have the right color in my size in stock. I also really need to get a new umbrella. Mine is partially broken, which happened literally the first time I had to use it. plus there are some spots on the cloth from rusting metal and what could very well be the beginnings of mold. Though I probably won't buy a new one until this one is no longer able to keep me fairly dry.

Ever notice how people's attitudes change along with the weather? Everyone is so joyful and cheery on bright and sunny days, but on days like this, simply looking outside seems to cause people to become tired and bitter with the world. Did you know that statistically speaking, there are more car crashes on really beautiful days than at any other time? Apparently it's due to the fact that people become so happy with the world that they get distracted by the clear blue skies and the beauty all around them while driving instead of paying attention to the road. I can see how that would happen. Last week while walking to studio I almost walked right into a tree because I was so enjoying the walk and trying to take in everything around me that I really didn't care where I was going, lol.

happy birthday Sergio!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this one especially...for it's humor. Your other blogs are magnificent...very well written. However, i loved your rhymes about South Texas.