Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Keep Swimming

oi ve, last week was rough, and it doesn't look like its about to get any easier from here on out. I had to pull an all-nighter (only my 3rd of all time, which is still pretty good by RISD standards!) on Wednesday-Thursday to get my packaging model done on time, in my opinion, it turned out looking like crap because the methyl-chloride turns the plastic cloudy white when I needed it to be clear. And then in my crit, they complained that I didn't take enough artistic liberties with the design and that it was not creative enough, which i had already known, but when you're making something that could feasibly go into mass-production then there is a lot more you have to think about than how different it looks or creative it is. I did my research. I knew what was doing probably more than most everyone else, but such knowledge can sometimes be too much of a restriction in the design process. Then Thursday night I started on my exploded-view drawings for Presentation the next day. Most people just got blueprints off the internet, traced them and then colored them in, but I took the time to actually take something apart and draw each individual piece by hand which took me all night and the next morning. I was still drawing by the time class started and so I wasn't even close to being done, while everyone else who traced their shapes had finished their presentation boards long before I. I don't know why I do these things to myself. Maybe I wanted to get more out of it. I think I did in terms of learning how to draw exploded views but in terms of sleep, they definitely got more than me. Friday night I finally slept for a normal amount of time, but when I wonke up on Saturday morning I was quite sick and had to cancel all my commitments for the day. I have 1 more week to finish my metals project and I haven't even started yet, I don't even really know what I am going to do. I'm not too worried about CAD, but my next DP project is redesigning a common gardening tool to make it more ergonomic, so I'm trying to research that. As well as starting on my renderings for Presentation on Friday. I still have a cold, though I'm feeling alot better than I did on Saturday, and I can't really talk very well, but I make do with what I've got.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Panda said...

You have the talent. You have good ideas. You have what it takes. You just need time and sleep. Not luck!
Get well soon. The end is near!!!