Saturday, May 17, 2008


Just as I predicted. I crashed.
After spending night after night working non-stop trying to get all my finals done on time my body just flat out refused to function anymore. My eyes literally could not focus on my work and i was practically falling asleep standing up, or at least I would have been if I had been able to stand up.
I crashed for a good 8 hours and I missed my final for Presentation class. OOPS
theres not much more I can say about that.
But it's not yet over there is still much more to be done and so little time to do it in.
This coming week is going to fly by like crazy, I just know it.
Pray for me. Pray that I get all my stuff packed on time and that I have a place to sleep when i get back after Jeff's graduation. Pray that my job and my housing in Massachusetts all works out splendidly. Only the grace of God can save me now.


1 comment:

Panda said...

Hey Rach,
You know that I'm always rooting for you and praying for you. I am so looking forward to seeing you.