Monday, August 25, 2008

So I'll Find a Cave

The other day I wanted to have some cereal that I had just gotten for dinner, it was Special K with peaches and apricots (do they have that in the states?). Anyways, I put some sugar on it because Special K usually needs at least a little bit of sweetener, and then then I take a bite. Realizing that I just put a mouthful of very salty milk and cereal in my mouth, I immediately run to the sink and spit it out, much to the pleasure of those lucky enough to witness my folly. I couldn't believe it! I had just put a spoonful of salt all over my cereal! The box wasn't labeled clearly enough, for sure, but at least I wont be making that mistake again. Thing is, I had been using that box of salt for the past month thinking that it was sugar! Putting it in tomato sauces and the like to try to bring down the acidity of the tomatoes, when in fact all I was really doing was increasing the iodine. Amazingly, I didn't even notice until this incident that what I was using was salt, I believe there was only one other time that I did that and thought that I had put too much salt in the dish, but in that case, not only did I add the "sugar", but I also gave it a few extra shakes from the salt shaker! LOL. How glorious it is when you realize that you are the most ridiculous person you know! Though I hate to think of how much salt I've actually consumed since I got here. I'll try to take it easy on the salt from now on.

I've been reading a lot about St. Francis lately and feel even more drawn to him than I was before. (pretty much only because I liked those statues of him talking to the birds)
He was devoted to the ideal of "Lady Poverty" and a oneness with the earth and the land, equality with all creatures and everything he considered to have a spirit of its own (i.e. "Brother Sun, Sister Moon") What Grace he had! A pure and simple heart, but an intelligent and humble mind. I hope that someday I too will be able to go out as a poor pilgrim and connect with God in the wilds of his creation. But the land is not as it once was in Francis' time. The wilderness has been mostly tamed, and it would be very difficult to find any significant amount of landscape leftover from what Francis traveled through, so I supposed that if there is any hope for me finding such a place, I'd better look now, before the wilds of Italy become extinct. Who knows? maybe I can even find myself a cave to sleep in while I'm there, just like the cave Francis went to to talk with God!


Anonymous said...

What a silly girl you are. Your dad is reading your blog and realizing what a wonderful young woman you are, bright, full of hope, expressive, and I miss you very much.

Love Dad

Rachael Rudnik said...

hahaha, I love you too dad