Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my bunny

so there's thing design that I did for my final in Presentation class., and when I did it, it was pretty much just to show my drawing and rendering abilities, as well as good layout for presenting the idea to a group, and it had very little to do with the design or the idea itself. Never-the-less, my boss at Incase really likes it, and has been telling me that I should get it produced and marketed since I got here. For that to happen, I just need to define all the math and science in the piece (meaning that I need to give orthographic views of everything for an engineer and pattern maker, define all the inner components, joints and electrical components, and give samples of the fabrics)
He thinks that this thing could sell big on QVC, though personally I'd rather see it sold in a store such as Target and Toys R' Us. I've never had any of my designs actually manufactured before, and it seems that I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that I might actually make this dream into a reality. I find that I'm doubting myself and my own ability to make this happen. I will push it as far as it can go, and who knows what will become of it?

What do you think of the design? could you see this being sold in stores nation-wide?


Anonymous said...

Rachael I think that's such a sweet idea...neat...and interesting. I would not hesitate to buy one for Sophia. I adore it's floppy ears and large feet.

Rachael Rudnik said...

why thank you!