Monday, March 10, 2008

dreaming of EHP

Ok, so I'm done with my European Honors Program application, I have been for a while actually, and I already turned it in about a week early. I've said that it doesn't matter to me whether or not I get in because theres good things about staying here as well as going. That's a lie.
Truth is I'm really looking forward to going, have been for a long time. In fact, I can't even imagine not going, like my mind doesn't want to accept the fact that there is a chance I won't even get in. I even had a dream about it last night. It was rather strange.

I see my name on this list for new members of the European Honors Program, before they actually tell everybody who got in or not.
a couple days later Julie* finds out that she got in, but Laura* was rejected for some reason.
Julie* tells me that she has already picked out her room in the Cenci in Rome, I wonder why I haven't been asked to do that yet, Julie* says that she didn't see my name on the list of people who got in.
"But I did get in! I saw my name there!"
ok, fine.
they show me pictures of houses in Italy.
"The Cenci is about this big, only less castle-ly"
I fly to Rome with my mom. They drop us off right in front of the Cenci. It is blue, and alot smaller than I expected.
We go to the back of the house where there is a large field and a big colonial-style mansion to the right. I see little creatures running around through the brush that I have never seen before. Italian wildlife, of course.
"I think that's a rabbit over there." as it bounds across the field in front of the mansion, I notice it has rather short ears to be a rabbit.
As it comes closer I see that the animal is in fact a curly-haired cat, which is chasing the little wildlife critters around.

Then I started to wake up and was surprised to find that I was not actually in a grassy field in Italy. What a disappointment.

So I'll find out in about 3 weeks whether I got in or not. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the time being.

*names may or may not be real people, I don't know, it was a pretty weird dream.

1 comment:

Panda said...

Wow, I was in your dream flying to Rome. I feel honored. I'm hoping and praying for you to get in too. You've worked so hard for it. :)